Welcome Home!

Dear reader,

Please join me on an adventure.

Whether close to home or around the world travel inspires me creatively.  I find my outlet in essay, poetry, or photography, and I’m thankful for publishers who include my work as part of their collections. I’m also grateful for the institutions and organizations who hire me to teach or speak about my adventures…and misadventures!

Some are surprised at how often I travel alone, but solo travel is not exclusive to the young, the athletic, or the male. I’m proud to bring a different perspective to the solo travel tribe, and I know my journeys can inspire other atypical solo adventurists. Maybe you?

Despite the solitude of pitching my tent in places as far-flung as the bank of the Okavango River in Namibia, I never feel lonely when I’m on a journey. I think of travel as an unraveling story, and I am equal parts wanting it to last forever, and wanting to discover the ending.

I hope you’ll join me as I share some of these places. Please sign up for email notes and updates from me. I don’t spam, I never share my list, and I don’t post more than once a day.

Thanks for visiting, and welcome to my home of readers, and friends.

Yours in Words and Travel,

P.S. If you want to know a bit more of my background, education, certifications, and general oddities, you’ll find it here, on my “About” page. To request my full CV, or inquire about speaking, teaching, writing, or photography, please email me: marla at marlasinkdruzgal dot com